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Hijacked by Your Brain

There is a choice: You can let go of what doesn't help so much and enhance what does

The book Hijacked by Your Brain: How to Free Yourself When Stress Takes Over is filled with lots of nifty ideas.   The main premise is that even though your body has alarmed, you can recognize the alarm and then empower yourself with positive emotions -- giving yourself a more resourceful position to act from.  Today's highlight is about how to move into the more resourceful emotion. 

Although emotions are often judged as good or bad, right or wrong, because they can cause pain and pleasure, they are either instinctual, coming from alarms, or cognitive, coming from the learning brain.

And even if the body is reacting - alarming, it doesn't mean that those sensations need to continue.  With a conscious determination, you can call upon emotions that provide you the greatest freedom of action.  By using your 'thinking center of focus,' you can reach into your memory center and find the emotion that is most important for you to experience.

To get a feel for their approach, take a moment and assess where your stress is on a scale of one to ten, ten being the highest stress you've ever experienced and one being the least stress and best you've ever felt.  Chances are not too high!  Still, it will provide a small bench mark for comparison to where your stress is after and how well the technique works.  
Here's their approach:




Hijacked by Your Brain: How to Free Yourself When Stress Takes Over


Step back.   Sweep your mind clear.  Notice what you see, hear, and feel in your body, or in the environment around you.  (n.b. - these are 'factual things' like "I see a glare on my computer screen" "I hear the hum of the fan"  "I feel a breeze on my skin" "I taste coffee" "I feel my chair support in my back" etc.  You're asking your lizard brain to take inventory of the situation you're in.  So simple sentences, basic thoughts.)

Now that pathways between your alarm and thinking and memory centers are open, you can think clearly.  Come with us on a brief tour of your mind.  

What was your favorite vacation ever?  Or the place where you can truly retreat?  It could be at home, or all the way around the world.  Who was there that made the place or the experience special?  Put the book down for a few moments and play the images and movies stored in your memory center.  (n.b. OK, you're reading a screen, not a book!  maybe just close your eyes and find your retreat that way?)

As you enjoy the rich memories, notice one more thing: What is the one optimal emotion that you're feeling?  What is the emotion that captures all that is good about this experience or place?  What emotion sums up the meaning of the place and the people you were with?  There is no right or wrong answer, but the emotion to focus on will be one that represents how you feel when you're at your very best.

Here are some examples:

  • Serenity
  • Joy
  • Peace
  • Happiness
  • Contentment
  • Accomplishment
  • Love
  • Hop
  • Fulfillment
  • Enthusiasm
  • Tranquility
  • Comfort
  • Interest
  • Security

Where is your stress on a scale of one to ten, ten being the highest stress you've ever experienced and one being the least stress and best you've ever felt?  Your stress level won't always instantly go down to one or two when you do an SOS, but when you include an optimal emotion in your focusing you will often find that this refreshes your mind.  In your body, you will feel a very pleasant drop in your stress level.  Your life may still be stressful, but your thinking center is focused.  Whether your stress level changes or not, you'll find that your level of personal control will rise as you become aware of optimal emotions.



This one piece is a handy skill to develop!

This is what my retreat looks like:

As I have played with it, I have come to think of the different emotions as different coats or outfits I put on -- I visualize reaching for my 'happy coat' and watch myself, in my minds eye, put it on.  And then I go through the steps of recognizing what wearing that coat is like -- how my breathing slows and drops, how my shoulders relax, how a lot of muscles relax!  how I breath continuously and my eyes soften.

In some situations, it seems like this is the last thing that one needs to do, and yet, learning how to do this gives you a great advantage!  You are no longer so much at the mercy of a situation.

A truly useful thing.


Check it out!  Let me know how it goes!





Reiki Master since 1997
 Certified Resonance Repatterning Practitioner since 1997



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