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Horses lend us the wings we lack.

~ Pam Brown

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Where can I get some of that?

This morning as I fed I happily thought "It's warmer!  I can ride!"
And then came this internal groan "lunging"  followed by "MUD"
Now look -- I'm in here doing this, not out there doing that.


So, what to do when the turkeys are winning?

This had me thinking to explain: Motivation is not a one and done thing.  With horses, there is a continual getting back up.  Just like brushing our teeth, this is something we may just need to keep doing.

I remember when I was starting out, a fellow came to do some chiropractic for the horses and I asked him how long he'd been doing it and I was like, 'wow, you're so lucky!' and his response was more like a growled, 'uh, I'm totally over it.  My wife and I haven't had a break in <I forget but you get the idea>'  Here I am 30 years later and I totally commiserate.

So, what do I do?

You may have seen on the website I do a bunch of coaching type techniques.  I say 'coaching-type' for lack of something better.   They work to release the fabric of the pattern.  There's no 'convincing'/'teaching'/'explaining'/'rationalizing.'  Think more along the lines of 'flipping switches'/'awareness leads to action.'  You simply change.  Some of these are good for in the moment and some are good for long-standing patterns. 

The easiest one for me when I remember it is to ask for a flower essence and Reiki it in.  (Today this seems to require like three or four essences, tbh, but I'm totally ready to head out and start the day now.)

The next time I hit MUD who knows?  Maybe I'll need some more flower essences. 

If you know muscle checking and/or a pendulum, you could easily do this at home.  IE use the muscle checking/pendulum to find the essence and then take the essence.  (Oh, and yes, I can pass the Reiki Attunements and teach muscle checking.)

Another really cool approach is Wholeness Process (WP).  I would personally describe this as Reiki and/or Orhto-Bionomy via guided 'meditation.'  Once you learn this, it is in your hip pocket!  You can do it in the moment and it often works rather well.  If you have a longer standing pattern, it might take a few sessions to clear all of it with this approach.  It's available through an online course ~or~ yours truly!  I have heard it said it takes a year or so to get this under your belt.  That was not my experience but perhaps it has to do with your background.  

Speaking of Ortho-bionomy (OB), there is an OB approach that is also insanely easy.  Move into the pattern and it releases in about a minute.  And, this works on physical structures, too.  (yes, I do mini-workshops if you're interested.)  

Also in the line up we have Core Transformation (CT).  This is a little bit of a slow burn in that it's hard to put a finger on exactly how good something gets or how quickly some thing gets good. It does lead to a profound sense of well-being.  There's kind of a tipping point where all the sudden it's FABULOUS!  Like WP, this process can be learned and kept in your hip pocket or you can be guided.  Also, like WP, this develops your own skill set to eventually develop self-reliance.  Once you learn it you can do it yourself.

And of course there is Resonance Repatterning (RR).  If you simply want to get the problem taken care of or get the goal alluring, RR is the way to go.  This is a really comprehensive process tailored to you.  It is still possible to take the classes AND if you just want to 'get it done' this is the one to pick.  You don't need to learn it at all.  Sensitive folks feel the shifts in their field and clients (of course!) notice the changes in themselves and their horses.

In any event, if you want to give the processes I offer a shot, I would suggest to expect four to eight sessions for a given thing.  Something that is long-standing is most likely mutil-faceted.  Resonance Repatterning often takes care of things in one session, and there is always improvement with any session, but I've not got a crystal ball.  Sometimes it can take longer.

And now, tbh, I'm getting impatient sitting here typing this!  I want to go ride my horses!



Happy Trails...

If you find this interesting, there is more where this came from!  Drop me an email: 



ps -- with all of these techniques you can pick a topic.  ie I'm sick and tired of mucking out stalls.  I want to eat healthy.  I sit the trot well.  I'm at ease in the canter.  I'm calm at shows.   I spend money wisely.

pps -- so are you wondering, why is she still doing something around this?  well, it just keeps raining and getting cold and yeah, I haven't hit that place where the turkeys don't sometimes win.  What's the saying?  Into every life a little rain must fall.  It keeps it interesting.

  Copyright © 02/21/2022 Lynn S. Larson 

Are you looking for something more in your riding?  Something that really connects the inside and the outside? Sometimes a hands on experience can do a lot to clarify something written.
I've studied horse and human anatomy for twenty five years.  I started with Centered Riding and that is solidly based upon how bodies work and how brains process information.  I know Alexander, Feldenkrais, Trigger Point, myofascial, Ortho-bionomy, how to develop resistance training programs, and more recently I am incorporating concepts from Body-Mind-Centering.  I've done yoga for more than forty years, studied (and used) the chakra and meridian systems for over twenty.  Sometimes I don't go into theory because in the middle of a lesson it would detract from the practical learning of how to ride, but I do clinics where I share this information along with how to incorporate it into your training program.  And if you really don't mind listening to me yak forever, I can easily do that during a lesson, too.  It's just most folks want to ride!  


Written Content Copyright © 01/01/2019 - present Lynn S. Larson
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"The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities." 

~ James Allen