Education and Coaching for Riders and Horses
For appointment: 512.869.7903





Horses lend us the wings we lack.

~ Pam Brown

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Quick Tip Tuesday: If ain't broke, don't fix it!

there's what's in the book and what works

When  I first moved here I was greatly impressed by the clinicians which were coming into the area. 

This one clinic all the top level riders had come together and were getting instruction from A NAME from Germany.  (At the time, this was someone to swoon over but I confess I now don't remember!)  Everyone was turned out spectacularly and it was just the right amount of crispness to enjoy the weather without getting too cold or too hot.

In the middle of one of the lessons, I remember this lady switching directions and asking: "Which hand should I carry the whip in?" 

Being young, and of course brilliant, I chuckled to myself and thought, "Well, of course, the inside hand."

Which was confirmed when the instructor advocated "Your inside hand."

And the rider dutifully complied.  

Do you think the horse went better?

Let's back up a moment here!

Why would this extremely elegant, accomplished lady on a high level horse who's paid beaucoup bucks to get world class instruction be asking this question because ... she never heard about carrying the whip in the inside hand?

Rewind: She had been using the whip under the guidance of the instructor to get the horse to step up.  On the inside leg.  

Which was now the outside leg.

Which, without the encouragement, would do what?

Yep.  And I saw that in spades.  It was like everything they'd built up just drained into the sand.

There's what's in the books and what works.






Written Content Copyright © 01/01/2019 - present Lynn S. Larson
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Let's Get Together!

Are you looking for something more in your riding?  Something that really connects the inside and the outside? Sometimes a hands on experience can do a lot to clarify something written.
I've studied horse and human anatomy for twenty five years.  I started with Centered Riding and that is solidly based upon how bodies work and how brains process information.  I know Alexander, Feldenkrais, Trigger Point, myofascial, Ortho-bionomy, how to develop resistance training programs, and more recently I am incorporating concepts from Body-Mind-Centering.  I've done yoga for more than forty years, studied (and used) the chakra and meridian systems for over twenty.  Sometimes I don't go into theory because in the middle of a lesson it would detract from the practical learning of how to ride, but I do clinics where I share this information along with how to incorporate it into your training program.  And if you really don't mind listening to me yak forever, I can easily do that during a lesson, too.  It's just most folks want to ride! 

512-869-7903 -- this is an answering machine only, so leave a message!

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"The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities." 

~ James Allen