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Keeping our head... (while all those around us are losing theirs!)

Lately there seems to be a lot of panic-inducing concepts making headlines.  In the vein that 'every little bit counts,' here's some ways I use all the time that you can use, too, to bring calm and sanity back into your life, and by extension, back into the world.  (btw - I'm also a big fan of the '100th monkey!')

  • The Centered Riding Shakeout is great for getting rid of 'big emotions.'  Really.  This is actually a trauma release.  If you've ever gone winging off a horse or skid a car off the road, the thing to do is allow your body to have its moment and shake uncontrollably.  If you let it pass, it will pass like a Spring storm taking all the gunk with it and leave you refreshed and able to move forward.  Whatever happened will not get stuck in your body or psyche and cause trauma. If you couldn't do it then, you can still do it now.  For big things and small, go ahead and shake it out!  (I do this before shows and it works wonders.  Sally recommended doing this before every ride just to shake off the day and get your body loose and ready for riding.)  
  • Balance your head and you will automatically get rid of fight-flight.  This means your brain can think clearer and you can hear it's solutions clearer and you can then respond appropriately to the situation you're actually in, not the one you're afraid you might get into.  And almost always, taking appropriate action now allows you to avoid the imagined situation later.  We cannot 'hear' the right side off our brain think which makes it a leap of faith that this is happening, but it can't think if we get into a loop of negative thinking about an imagined situation, so we do know anytime we're into the negative chatter, we're spinning our wheels.  If we balance our head, the negative chatter will cease and the full resources of our brain can come 'online' and create a solution.  This solution will then 'appear' to you fully formed.  (You've heard about this with various inventors - and now you can be one, too!)
    This is an unobtrusive way to get rid of panic (unlike shaking...) which may take some self-monitoring.  As soon as you realize you've indulged in the negative chatter, just give your head a little nod to re-establish the calm place.      
  • The Sedona Method is also a lovely way to allow a 'big emotion' to have its day in court and be done.  The Sedona Method is based on some questions you ask yourself.  The idea is to FEEL the emotion, not indulge in it.  If you're feeling anger, you want to feel anger - maybe your face gets red, your head feels like it's going to explode, everything feels tight and intense.  This is different than indulging your anger with visions of retribution, fighting, or violence.  Indulging your anger will only perpetuate your feelings of anger and ramp it up, not dissipate it.  Allowing your body to FEEL the anger will allow it to pass.  (Yes - this can get a little uncomfy, so you don't have to feel it all at once.)  Panic can also be uncomfortable.  It can feel like everything is racing, like there's not enough air.  In the Sedona method, you ask yourself these questions:
    • Could I feel <name the emotion>?  (answer either yes or no.)
    • Would I feel <name the emotion>?  (answer either yes or no.)
    • When would I do that?   (for instance: now, tonight, next week, never...)
    I have an example using resistance online which you can modify using 'panic.'
  • Reiki is similar to The Sedona Method but without words.
  • Tapping is a self-help modality that also works wonders.  
  • Phase 7 Ortho-Bionomy is, very often, ridiculously quick.  I have an example using resistance online - scroll to the pink pictures, which can used substituting in 'panic.'  Basically - go to the place in your field where you feel the least amount of panic.  Stay there for a little bit - usually under a minute - then travel around in your field and see how it feels.

Of course, there're other ways to find calm!  And if we're all in a place of calm, then maybe we can tip the world scales into that place, too. 

I'll be exploring some of these in a mini-clinic/workshop next month on May 12th.

Copyright © April 2013 Lynn S. Larson
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"The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities." 

~ James Allen