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What's that mean?

If your neck is out, maybe there's a message...

Or maybe not, too.  It's all 'a theory!'   Maybe useful, maybe not.  Worth a try!

The first two techniques relied upon the location of the bones. The first one compared the real to the ideal and the second one exaggerated what was there.  This technique is a little less tied to the physical anatomy and more connected to the mental/emotional content.  Here's what it is: each of the vertebra correlate with areas of our lives.  When those areas of our lives are out, the vertebra are out.  In order to keep the vertebra aligned, address whatever are of our lives is out.  See - simply and elegant!

Perhaps you're saying, "How in the world do I know what the correlations are?"   Yeah - that part's a little trickier.  When I learned Reiki, my teachers cautioned to be open to whatever is stored wherever in the body, to avoid hard and fast maps of what goes where.  I agree with that sage advice.  To say 'this only appears there' is to limit your awareness and you could overlook something important.  On the other hand, having no map is a bit like plunking down in a major metropolitan area without directions -- a bit daunting!  So it can be helpful to have some idea and there are a few maps I've found useful.  There are also some techniques which can be used even when you don't have a map.

I'll start with using a map.  This one is from Heal Your Body by Louise Hay.   Louise Hay is one of the pioneers in this area.  I got my first books from her back in the 80's, along with books by Shakti Gawain and Lynn Anderson.   To use this map, because these are statements of misalignment, consider either Tapping or The Sedona Method.  OR you can flip the statements and use Whole-Brain Posture, Cross-crawls, or affirmations.  Affirmations take 28 days to take hold, where as the other two take maybe five minutes.  Sometimes they'll take more, but usually it's in the five minute range.

For example:

  • find a statement to work with.  In this case, I muscle check that C-4 is out, and it's the 2nd statement that applies: "I bottle up my feelings."  (Or I could have said to myself, "What in my neck feels out of what?  O - it's C2." I look at the list for C2 and wonder "Hm... which of these is it?"  and I just pick what I consider it might be.)
  • I decide to use The Sedona Method, ie
    • Is it in the realm of possibilities that I'm bottling up my feelings?
    • Could I acknowledge (the extent to which) I bottle up my feelings?   (ie is it possible for me to do this?)
    • Would I (not) acknowledge (the extent to which) I bottle up my feelings? 
    • When would I do that?  (either acknowledge or not acknowledge...) 
  • I enjoy a better feeling neck!   (which, btw, happened just about as soon as I decided to use The Sedona Method, probably because I know the questions by heart and my mind could race through them rather quickly!)


  • I find another statement - this one with a negative emotion attached to it.
  • I decide to use Tapping so
    • I get into the mood of that emotion
    • I go through the general tapping sequence
      • karate chop, top of head, inner eye, outer eye, under eye, under nose, under lip, collar bone, ribs
      • I do the V with the eye lift
  • Viola! better neck.   (in this case, my emotion heightened a little during the first part of the tapping and then released completely.)

Here's the map of the cervicals from Heal Your Body by Louise Hay.

Cervical Vertebra (Ether chakra stuff)
  • C-l (Chronic tiredness, dizziness, headaches, nervousness, insomnia)
    • I am afraid.
    • I am confused.
    • I run from life.
  • C-2 (Sinus trouble, allergies, eye troubles, earache, fainting, deafness)
    • I blame others.
    • I am indecisive.
    • I am resentful.
    • I deny my spirituality.
  • C-3 (Eczema, acne, neuralgia)
    • I accept blame for others.
    • I am a martyr.
    • I feel guilty.
    • I am indecisive.
  • C-4 (Hay fever, catarrh, adenoids)
    • I repress my anger.
    • I bottle up my feelings.
    • I suppress my tears.
    • I feel bitter.
    • I feel guilty.
  • C-5 (Throat conditions, laryngitis)
    • I am afraid to express myself.
    • I am afraid of ridicule.
    • I feel as though I am not worthy.
    • I feel (stupid • silly • idiotic • dumb).
  • C-6 (Stiff neck, tonsillitis, pain in upper arm)
    • I feel burdened.
    • I feel overloaded.
    • I try to fix others.
  • C-7 (Thyroid conditions, colds, feeling cold)
    • I am confused.
    • I am angry.
    • I can't reach out.
    •  feel helpless.
See references: Louise Hay, Heal Your Body

Some of the other maps come from Tibetan Toning, Touch for Health, and various authors.  (More on those some other time!)

Without a map, you can look to techniques such as Focusing, which is a from of dialoguing.  Simplified

  • become aware of the area of the body that's out of whack.  
  • repeat until there is a shift (see below) 
    • be present.  say to the body "I'm here for you.  What would you like me to know?"
    • 'stand back' and observe the representation of what's going on that you are given.  notice the shape, size, color, texture, sound, density, temperature, aroma, movement, etc. of that area
      • ie there's an area on the right side of my neck that is hot, orange and yellow, pointed sharply like an arrow head, jabbing me, smooth on the bottom, flecked on the top, but also the texture of foam, so it's bouncing in and out... 
    • Confirm what you observed.  Say to your body "I see/feel/sense/hear/taste/smell <whatever information you got from above>.   Is that all of it? / Is there more?"
      • I just  got more info - there was a sudden 'drop' that went down and across my back to an area in my lower back -
      • I acknowledge this "O - the area that's <hot, orange and yellow, pointed sharply like an arrow head, jabbing me, smooth, but also the texture of foam, so it's bouncing in and out> is connect to <that> area in my back ... which is shaped like a plate, is white and tilted, blue on the outside , etc... 
      • "Did I get all of that?"   (I'm being shown more...)
      • I accidentally asked, because I was wondering, "What is that all about?" and got a message.  I now use the same approach with that:
      • I say to my body: "I got the message <message I got >.  Is that all of it?"  I get more.
      • I say to my body: "I got the message <1st message I got > and that <2nd message I got> and .... " I'm not even done and I get another message...  So I keep repeating these messages as they come in, also paying attention to the sensations going on in my body and cataloguing those, implying "did I get it all?" 
  • When you 'get it all,' it magically vanishes.  It's like the message is delivered.
    • ie right now I feel a little light headed.  this took maybe 10 minutes.  my neck and back feel warm and fluid.  my mind is kind of doing the 'really?  was that right?' thing and 'well, if that was so, what do I do about it now?'  this part is not so necessary.  your conscious mind is such a small part of your being that it's pretty much been left in the dust.  the changes that needed to occur for you to behave differently in the future have already taken place, even though you don't have words for them.  so as best you can, continue to observe how the sensations in your body (heat, movement, texture, density, etc.) change and avoid getting into an investigating mode in your head.  Getting into analytical mode will put you into the 'left brain' and hijack the process.

Have you had a chance to play with this in your riding?  What is your experience with this?


Copyright © 2013 Lynn S. Larson
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"The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities." 

~ James Allen   512.869.7903