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Horses lend us the wings we lack.

~ Pam Brown

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Can Tammy be a Rock Star?  Resonance Repatterning Session #2

Today is a 'quiet' day - no riding.  It's beautiful out, for sure, but it's also time off.  A great time for a session!  

In the book Is Your Horse a Rock Star? Understanding Your Horse's Personality by Dessa Hockley, my horse Tammy falls into the category of a DEAF horse - a WILD CARD.  

  • Dominant vs. Submissive 
  • Energetic vs. Lazy 
  • Confident vs. Afraid 
  • Aloof vs. Friendly 

Tammy is one letter away from being a Rock Star - a DECF.    My idea is to do a little experiment to see if Resonance Repatterning can get me quickly from one to the other, or at all!  And after my ride yesterday, I'm also motivated to add in a little bit about dominance - specifically, I'm the dominant one!  

I realize this horse will always have that original underlay of freak out first, and trust no-one, but the more grains of sand I can put on my side of the teeter-totter, the more I can direct the situation.  


Today's session is strangely similar to the last.  It involves the chakra system and the pre-emptive activation of one chakra when another chakra would have been more appropriate.  The modality for creating change involved harmonic overtones aimes at balancing out the 6th chakra.

If some of these statements seem odd or over the top, remember, I want to heavily leverage things in my favor!  It doesn't mean I get to quit riding in any sense of the word, just that maybe now when I do things, Tammy is more receptive to it.


for all horses, primarily Tammy & I
Off On I am confident.
Off um On um I am confident around bunnies, leaves, dogs, things that move oddly or sound oddly, that are 3' or further from me, and continue forward
Off um On um Tammy, (IRS, Missy, Lillie) trust Lynn to provide life-saving solutions.



Opportunities within Problems / Intentions / Starting points


Repatterning - Life-Cycle Repatterning

Original Final Session
State State Statement
Identify the primary life-cycle chakra being avoided.
Fire (action)
On um Off um I act prematurely.
Identify the primary life-cycle chakra being prematurely activated.
Ether (new beginnings)
On um Off um I move into new beginnings before I have taken a pause and allowed for closure.
Identify what will allow for movement through each phase of the life cycle in a harmonious way with right timing:
Air (ideas • inspiration)
Ask, "What is your aim, your intention, or a new possibility, aligned with your spiritual purpose, that will help you?"
Off um On um I lead when it's my turn to lead and follow when it's my turn to follow.
Off On I know when it's my turn to lead and my turn to follow - I pause, evaluate the situation, and behave to keep everyone safe.
Off On I know when it's my turn to lead and my turn to follow - whenever there's doubt, Lynn is the leader.
Off um On um I know that I am safe.
Off On When Lynn is leading, everyone is safe.
Core frequencies:
Off On I am inspired by new possibilities and doing those things that are based on a foundation of unconditional love for myself and others
Off um On um I open myself to unconditional love.

Modality for Creating Change

harmonic overtone of 'ee' (eye/head - 3rd eye - 6th chakra)

Follow-On Actions


Is Your Horse a Rock Star? Understanding Your Horse's Personality

Is Your Horse a Rock Star? Understanding Your Horse's Personality
by Dessa Hockley

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Copyright © 08/30/14 Lynn S. Larson
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BooksAmazon Assoc. / Old Favs



"The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities." 

~ James Allen