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Can I move a DEAF to a DECF?(!)   Session #1

In the book Is Your Horse a Rock Star? Understanding Your Horse's Personality by Dessa Hockley, my horse Tammy falls into the category of a DEAF horse - a WILD CARD.  

  • Dominant vs. Submissive 
  • Energetic vs. Lazy 
  • Confident vs. Afraid 
  • Aloof vs. Friendly 

She is one letter away from being a Rock Star - a DECF.  So I'm doing a little experiment to see if Resonance Repatterning can get me quickly from one to the other, or at all!

As it turns out, I did Tammy's first session 'on time,' the day I meant to, being yesterday, (yay! :) ) but I seem to have caught a bug or something so I'm not able to get on her today to report back about any possible effects.   (boo! :()

I guess that gives me time to post it, though. 

Briefly, Resonance Repatterning Sessions can consist of six areas.  Not all six will occur in every session, although usually the Modality for Creating Change will! :)  Generally, the first part of the session consists of identifying the pattern that is holding things in place as they are currently.  Usually this means there's something we have we don't want (a problem) or something we want but don't have (an intention) and then there's an underlying pattern of some kind.  In this instance, what came up was that the Chakras were being activated a little out of sequence.  The air chakra (ideas/inspiration) was kicking in too soon.  (ha ha!  that's funny, 'cuz this is a horse that goes up in front when she gets scared.)

The first set of statements are simply things I think might fit.  When it got to the health section, I also started in with 'the obvious' candidates.  Her back I suspected, her feet I didn't.  The whole relaxing thing makes sense.

Since I knew here mom and have had her since birth, the earlier experience was a little easy to guess at.  With a horse I don't know, I will guess and then use muscle checking to find out if I'm in the right ball park and getting accurate info.

The Integration for Growth Repatterning often comes up when people are mostly ready to make the shift but feel like a little something is holding them back - a good omen!  We might be ready to make a significant change.  yay!


for all horses & I, primarily Tammy



Opportunities within Problems / Intentions / Starting points

Original Final Session
State State Statement
Off On I am confident.
On Off I am afraid.
On Off I am fearful.
On um Off um My fear overtakes me; I can't think; I have to react.
On Off I am in a constant state of fear.

Repatterning - Life-Cycle Repatterning

Original Final Session
State State Statement
Identify the problem underlying the need for the Life-Cycle Repatterning.
the specific area where client is avoiding or prematurely activating a life-cycle phase:
w/ reg to your health
On Off My back hurts.
On Off my feet hurt.
On Off I have nowhere I can relax.
Identify the primary life-cycle chakra being avoided.
Ether (new beginnings)
On Off I avoid feeling.
Identify the primary life-cycle chakra being prematurely activated.
Air (ideas/inspiration)
On Off I have lots of ideas and intentions that go nowhere.
Identify the earlier experience
On Off Tammy = Mother (Ripley) ~19 months - herd dynamics -- something about 'we don't fraternize with them' 'you can't play with them.' 'don't
On Off loneliness
On Off Other horses / people are to be shunned; they are not to be trusted.
On Off Don't connect to others.
On Off Keep your distance from others.
On Off Don't rely on anyone else.


Identify what motivates action toward the achievement of the intention(s)
Identify the underlying need the intentions fulfill for client Go to p. 13
The need to achieve your best, go beyond your limits and manifest your potential.
Off On My imagination is stimulated by story telling).
Identify the commitment needed
Off um On um I accept that whatever is not aligned with my intentions emerges for my own growth and transformation.

Integration for Growth Repatterning

Identify the situation in which you have difficulty maintaining a high state of well-being.
On Off I find it difficult to maintain a high state of well-being when participating in activities involving horse & rider.
Identify how energy is discharged, which results in a lack of well-being.
On Off I discharge my energy by spooking, seeing boogies, acting stupid, getting mad, blowing off conversation.
Identify why your client's system is driven to return to a lack of well-being.
What does your lack of well-being {B} and/or the discharging of your energy {C} provide for you that is positive?
Off um On um I am safe.
On um Off um I have to discharge my energy by spoolking, seeing boogies, acting stupid, getting mad, & blowing off conversation in order to be safe.
Identify the intention needed.
What do you want instead of the situation where you can't maintain a high sense of well-being?
Off um On um I am able to process incoming information in a dense fashion - which allows for the 'slowing down' of time, and so I'm able to respond
Identify the mental attitude that will allow the client to evolve from the low energy state.
Off um On um I move into my own identity of who I am, free of limiting non-coherent patterns.

Modality for Creating Change

CO2 Stabilizing breath - exhale and hold the breath out, only so long as can inhale comfortably.



Follow-On Actions


Is Your Horse a Rock Star? Understanding Your Horse's Personality

Is Your Horse a Rock Star? Understanding Your Horse's Personality
by Dessa Hockley

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Copyright © 08/22/14 Lynn S. Larson
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BooksAmazon Assoc. / Old Favs



"The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities." 

~ James Allen