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A Modality for Creating Change

Do a search on 'Toning' and you'll find some amazing things online!  I learned this in my Resonance Repatterning classes and have enjoyed it ever since.  What is great about toning - besides sounding wonderful and fun to do, is that you have the capability to tune just about any part of your system.  In this post, the astrological correspondences are covered.

(I originally saw a chart like this in the Lewellyn material I have.  I'm not sure who to attribute it to online!)

How to do it:

The tip we were given for harmonic overtones (which I use for toning) was to pretend you had a ping pong size ball in your mouth and get the resonance going in your nasal passages.  Practice by sliding the tip of your tongue along the roof of your mouth to get the different vocalizations of 'oo' 'or' 'ah' 'eh' ee' (which correspond to the different chakras) (different post!)  
As you get used to this, you can relax into and begin to appreciate how the vibrations carry throughout the body.  You may feel them in the bones or the organs.

This is a chart that correlates notes, colors, and astrological signs.  (there are also areas of the body that relate...  the astrological signs are a 'short hand' for quite a bit of info.)  When you tone the note you are bringing the body into harmony.  In sessions, I muscle check which note to use.  And then I have a set of tuning forks for pitch.  A pitch pipe or a key board would work, too.  In life, you can simply 'tone' and trust that whatever note that is, that's the one your body needs.  If you recognize the pitch, you can look it up to see what is being used to balance your body.

Another way to use this would be to tone the note for the current astrological sign - for instance May 13th falls within Taurus so tone C# and visualize a red-orange color.   Since Scorpio is opposite to that, you could also tone G and visualize cyan to harmonize 'Scorpio energies' and set up a complementary relationship between those energies and the Taurus energies.   In this fashion, the note is serving more as a guide for system and/or a trigger.   On the Taurus theme - it could be either F or A would be notes to re-establish harmony, because those are the trine notes.  In truth, it could be any of them, so if you have a pendulum or can muscle check, that would give you the most accurate note for balancing your system.


Note Color Astrological Sign Opposite  Note Color  Astrological Sign
1 C red Aries  <==> F# apple green Libra
2 C# red-orange Taurus  <==> G cyan / blue-green Scorpio
3 D orange Gemini  <==> G# true blue Sagittarius 
4 D# orange-yellow Cancer  <==> A dark blue Capricorn
5 E yellow Leo  <==> A# violet Aquarius
6 F pale green Virgo  <==> B magenta Pisces
7 F# apple green Libra  <==> C red Aries
8 G cyan / blue-green Scorpio  <==> C# red-orange Taurus
9 G# true blue Sagittarius   <==> D orange Gemini
10 A dark blue Capricorn  <==> D# orange-yellow Cancer
11 A# violet Aquarius  <==> E yellow Leo
12 B magenta Pisces  <==> F pale green Virgo


Some background

Dr. Alfred Tomatis discovered that high frequency vocal sounds recharge the brain through direct connection (vibration) and through the auditory channels.  Fabien Maman has done experiments using sound to break up cancer cells, and Dr. Masaru Emoto has shown water crystals form in response to the frequency they are exposed to.

What benefits have you noticed?

It might be a while before it becomes apparent!  If you've tried it and it works, please share your success!




Reiki Master since 1997
 Certified Resonance Repatterning Practitioner since 1997



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