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Where Am I? 

Being Here and Now

It sounds so easy!  And, yet, very often we're not here or now.  As Carolyn Myss puts it, "Many people are living in several time zones - perhaps 39 or so..."

In his book NLP: The Essential Guide to Neuro-Linguistic Programming , Tom Hoobyar shares an easy way to get here and now that is part of his '5 questions' he asks himself every morning.

The question he asks himself is: "Am I present in my body, here and now, feeling what I feel, seeing what I see, hearing what I hear, and am I enjoying the gift of being alive?"

For sure, we want to answer "YES!"

Here's his 3 step process:

  • take several deep breaths
  • focus your eyes upward
  • change your position - ie stand if you're sitting, sit if your standing, stretch, shift your weight, etc.

I'm not entirely sure how it works, but I feel a momentary 'confusion' of 'how exactly do I do that?' which is then followed by what feels like my brain checking in with all of my body and then a 'plunk' where it's all connected back together. 

So that you can appreciate his writing style, here's an excerpt:

If you're not in your body, you may be experiencing the kinds of negative feelings that hold some of us back or hold all of us back some of the time.  Let's talk about when we're not in our bodies.  If I'm feeling worried or anxious, I check myself to see if I'm in my body, and I find I'm really not.  I'm often in my head probably just thinking about the future and occupying some future space that's unpleasant.  That's how I rehears worry, so the smart thing for me to do is to stop that and come back to being in my body right now.

One way to stop this sort of free-floating is this very simple physical technique you can do almost anywhere.  (see above)

Now, when I look at that future worry, I dissociate from it.  I make sure that he picture that I'm seeing is away from me.  This way I still have the information, but I can make notes and determine if I need to make some changes or take some action.  This physical and mental "reset" enables me to deal with the concern constructively instead of being a victim of the experience.







Try it out!  Tell me how it works for you!




Reiki Master since 1997
 Certified Resonance Repatterning Practitioner since 1997



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